Sweater Knitting Adventures

Hi there yarntastic fam, welcome back to the plushie basket. Well as you can see here, there are no plushies in this corner of the blog today. That’s because I wanted to knit myself a sweater for the very FIRST time! I hope you all will join me on this sweater weather knitting adventure. Just click on the images below to learn a little bit more about my experience with each step that I took, from gauge swatching to the last stitch made on the sweater. I hope you will enjoy your time reading these adventures as much as I enjoyed my time in knitting this brand new sweater of mine 😀 !

1) Sweater Weather Knitting Adventures: Introduction
2) Sweater Weather Knitting Adventures: Gauge  Swatching
3) Sweater Weather Knitting Adventures: Sunflower Trials
4) Sweater Weather Knitting Adventures: Happy Frustrations
5) Sweater Weather Knitting Adventures: The Sleeves?
6) Sweater Weather Knitting Adventures: The Finale!